You Blew a Fail, What Now?

RSDAfter all the publicity concerning BC having the toughest impaired driving penalties in Canada you decide to drink and drive. You are stopped by police, blow a fail reading (BAC > 100 mg% or .10) on the screening device and are now in serious trouble for the first time in your driving career. What happens under the Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) Program?

Q&A - Disputing a Red Light Ticket

Q&A ImageI was assessed a traffic violation for beating a red light at Hastings and Gore which I am certain that I did not.  My son, who was the front seat passenger was my witness to the incident.  However, I am not certain the court will accept his testimony because of our relationship.  What are my chances of winning the dispute? 

VIEWPOINT - Police Should Fight Crime

SoapboxFirst off no disrespect to any police I have a problem when day in day out police are pulling people over for traffic violations and road blocks etc but there are so much crime going on in B.C city's and town's and not to mention police corruption and getting caught for what ever it might be petty or not but we as tax payers pay large amounts of money each year to keep us all safe and for the R.C.M.P up hold the law's but I have y

Q&A - Headlight Colour

Q&A ImageQuestion: I was just given a warning about my headlights . I recently installed a yellow protective film over my headlights and I was under the impression that all forward facing lights are to be white or amber . The only info I can find is for height and power. Any help would be great.

CVSE - BC Changes Stance on Slack Adjusters

Automatic Slack AdjusterIn Vehicle Safety and Standards Bulletin #03-10 dated September 24, 2010 Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) announces that a change in stance on automatic slack adjusters. Effective August 30, 2012 all air brake equipped vehicles built after May 31, 1996 must be equipped with automatic slack adjusters in order to pass provincial inspection.

RESEARCH - Are Older Commercial Vehicle Drivers a Safety Risk?

Truck TractorCommercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program (CTBSSP) Synthesis 18: Older Commercial Drivers: Do They Pose a Safety Risk? explores age-related changes in the basic functional abilities needed to drive safely. The report is designed to help assist industry and labor practitioners in promoting safer commercial operations.

Q&A - Strata Roads

Q&A ImageI live in a strata with a straight fire lane running through it. The speed limit is clearly marked by signs and large print on the road. Residents (owner and counsel members) from the units farthest the street willfully speed past my unit in excess of thrice the limit of 15km/h. I have tried talking to them and informed strata bit all to no avail - in fact speed bumps were removed.

Q&A - Blinded by the Lights

Q&A ImageQuestion: Would you research the legality of driving (especially at night) with more than two headlights on when on low beam ? I drive truck at night and more and more people are driving with four lights on and calling them low beam lights. They are very bright to oncoming traffic and these idiots WILL NOT turn them off !!!