Q&A - Driving Without Due Care & Diabetes Issues

Q&A ImageQuestion: I'm trying to find the laws relating with driving without due care when someone has a unknown issue with diabetes that caused the incident and the fine. The officer involved also asked for a certificate of medical clearance because he had a suspicion that some sort of attack may have initiated the problem.

VIDEO - Other People Make Mistakes - Don't Speed

VideoThis video comes from New Zealand, another jurisdiction that tends to be more graphic with it's road safety advertising. Two drivers stop in freeze frame and discuss the collision that is about to happen. One apologizes for driving too fast and the other for not stopping at the stop sign. The driver that failed to stop highlights the fact that he has his son in the car. Both bow to the inevitable, re-enter their vehicles and the crash ensues.

CASE LAW - Gainder v The Minister of Justice

BC Courts Coat of ArmsMandeep Gainder, a novice driver, was discovered sitting in his idling car which emitted a strong odour of marihuana from the passenger compartment. Constable Troughton performed a Standardized Field Sobriety Test on Mr. Gainder who admitted smoking the drug and failed the test. A 24 hour prohibition for drug use was issued by Constable Earle. This suspension was not disputed.

More on Agents in Traffic Court

Violation Ticket Top I'm not a lawyer reads the e-mail, I'm a grandfather but I want to be able to help my grandson dispute a traffic ticket. At his first appearance on this ticket the presiding justice refused to let me participate telling me that my grandson was old enough to do it himself. There wasn't enough time to get to his hearing that day so I want to try again. How do I get the court's permission to do this?

Q&A - Taxi Passengers Not Wearing Seatbelts

Q&A ImageMy partner and I live in Victoria and finally able to afford it, decided to go out to dinner in North Saanich.  Not wanting to drink and drive, we went to the expense of booking a hotel in Sidney and took a taxi to the restaurant and back .  On the way back to the hotel after our dinner, the taxi driver went through a road block immediately after turning off the highway onto Beacon Avenue, directly

Q&A - Do Car Rental Agencies Have to Report Collisions?

Q&A ImageAre rental car companies in BC required to report any damage to their vehicles even if they repair the car themselves?

I purchased a used rental car from a Vancouver company that stated no accidents & same on CARFAX but it definitely appears to have had repairs done to the front end.

Priority for Emergency Vehicles at Traffic Lights

Traffic & Emergency SignalsWhen you need the services of firefighters or paramedics seconds can seem like hours. Sooner is always better in situations like this so some traffic lights are equipped with sensors that listen for sirens and change the signals to make way for emergency vehicles. Not knowing what the priority signal lights meant led one driver to make a choice that could have resulted in a collision in a Ladysmith intersection.