Round and Round the Roundabout

Traffic CircleRoundabouts and traffic circles are not new to British Columbia, but if the complaints in my inbox are any indication, they are still totally mystifying to some drivers. Common issues include bulldozing into the circle without yielding, signalling when there is no need, not signalling when there is a need, and yes, going around them in the wrong direction.

Measuring Vehicle Speed With Laser

Laser GunI can remember the anticipation when our highway patrol unit was issued it's first laser speed measuring device, an LTI 20/20 Marksman. Imagine! Here was a device that we could point at a single vehicle in the traffic stream and accurately measure only it's speed. It was fast enough to re-target and measure the vehicles around it too. No one would want to use hand held radar once we were trained on this.

NEWS - How the Canadian Coalition on Distracted Driving Plans to End Texting Behind the Wheel

CCODD LogoThere may be no greater threat in the everyday life of Canadians than a driver with a cell phone.

Texting while driving is a full-blown epidemic, and even though most Canadians say they know it’s a bad habit, our communities have had very little success in bringing the numbers down.

Drivers Make Two Kinds of Mistakes

stop signI watched a woman run a stop sign the other day while I was out for a walk. I knew that this was a route that she traveled often and she should be familiar with stopping there. I could see that she was checking around her as she approached the T intersection so I'm going to assume that she was in a hurry and made the conscious decision to slow down instead of stop.

CASE LAW - Suran v Auluck

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case begins with a street race that took place on August 4, 2008 in Delta. The race ended with one passenger dead and one driver injured. Madam Justice Burke decided liability for the crash on March 24, 2017. She found the driver of the second car involved in the street race 10% liable even though he was not part of the collision and was in police custody when it occurred. What remains to be decided is the amount of damages that the parties are entitled to or will have to pay.