Ask a Question

If you have a question about road safety or traffic law in British Columbia that has not already been answered on this site, send it to me in an e-mail. I will do my best to answer it for you within a reasonable time.

Please Search Before Asking

I would also appreciate it if you would use search before you send the question, just to avoid me having to tell you that what you are seeking is already on the site.

Be Sure to Include Sufficient Detail

Please insure that the e-mail includes any links, images or documents that are important. Don't personal information such as address, birthdate and driver's licence number. I don't need to know them in order to answer.

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Traffic Ticket Question

If you are asking about a traffic ticket, I'll need the section numbers and description of the offence shown on the ticket.

Your Question Could Become a Blog Post

I may construct a blog post for it and send you the URL for the post instead of answering directly. If so, I remove anything that would identify you in the blog post.

Questions About Collision Liability

If you are asking about liability (damages) for a collision, I cannot help. My experience is in criminal law, not civil law. The best place to start for that is with Lawyer Referral.

Asking a Question in a Comment

You do need a user account to add a comment to the blog article yourself.

If you don't want a user account, send me your comment, tell me which article it belongs to and I will add it for you as the Anonymous user.

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