Speed Kills, or Does it?

view from speeding vehicle"Speed Kills!" is a popular road safety slogan that we hear often. It's pretty simplistic and when I look around me on the highway I am convinced that drivers either don't believe it or live in a world of denial. Speed alone doesn't kill, but combine it with poor driving skills or a bad decision and it definitely makes a bad situation worse.

Q&A - Passenger Won't Wear a Seatbelt

Q&A ImageMy mother is a rather large woman who has gotten larger due to medical causes...she also has a phobia of being confined as a result of a seatbelt not releasing and being trapped for quite a bit of time...as a result it is very difficult to get her to agree to put on a seatbelt when we take her to various doctors appointments...

Turning Left is Complicated

Two Lane Left Turn SignHow much time do you have to look, decide and then execute a left turn in heavy traffic? Do you feel pushed by the drivers behind you into making that decision quickly? If you cannot "check your six" quickly and confidently, it's time to wait for certainty.

Q&A - Yielding to Cyclists Overtaking on the Right

painted cycle laneYour recent bicycle column stirred me to ask a question. I was in Kelowna, traveling north on Harvey Ave, and wanting to turn right into the strip mall where Jysk and the new Big and Tall are located (among many others). I was in the HOV lane, and had to wait while 3 pedestrians on the sidewalk slowly crossed in front of my path. When they were clear, I made my turn, then to be hurled a number of expletives from a cyclist that was intending to pass me on the right but had to stop quickly.

Passing a Cyclist Safely

CyclistCyclists are entitled to their share of the highway, just as motor vehicle drivers are. When they are overtaken by a motor vehicle, it is the driver's responsibility to pass the cyclist safely. It is not the cyclists responsibility to get out of the way of the driver if the cyclist is legally occupying the lane.

MOTORCYCLES - Getting Licenced

Vancouver Island Motorcycle SchoolFor as long as I've known people that were nearly old enough to acquire a license I've been hearing the same things over and over again. It doesn't seem to matter how young or old someone is, almost all of them will offer up the fact that they are "really good drivers".