Q&A - Driving Without Reasonable Consideration for Others

Q&A ImageI was driving along no.6 in Richmond with a girlfriend and reached into my bag for smokes and an oncoming car came so I swerved a bit to the right and hit a hydro pole because it was so close to the shoulder and I ended up into a ditch. I wasn't speeding, it was a single car collision and nobody got hurt. Needless to say the car was a total loss.

RESEARCH - Run Off Road Crashes

NHTSA LogoA run off the road crash is generally a single vehicle event that results in a large number of injuries and fatalities for the occupants. While this is American data, it is quite likely that our Canadian experience is very similar, meaning that 95% of our run off the road crashes involve some kind of driver error.

VIEWPOINT - Don't Wave, Drive!

SoapboxSome of the most dangerous drivers on the road recently are those that are trying to be polite by waving a second driver to go when that second driver doesn't have the right of way. Drivers should just drive to the rules of the road, its safer and keeps the traffic moving in an orderly fashion.

Q&A - Speed Reader Boards

what roadside speed reader boards look likeQuestion: Our organization’s main office is located on a high traffic street with a playground across the street. Despite sign postings and increased police presence we are still having issues with people speeding up and down this small stretch of the street.

READING - European Road Safety Atlas

eurorap logoAn interesting idea from Europe! You can plan your trip to avoid the most dangerous highways and choose to take the ones that are the best at looking after you if a crash does occur. The European Road Safety Atlas shows how to assess your risk by coloring the roads shown in the atlas from green, the most safe to black, the least.