INVESTIGATION - Motorized Wheelchair Collision

motorized wheelchairIn the early evening of May 26, 2018 a person in a motorized wheelchair tried to cross the railroad tracks at Broadway Street in Chilliwack. During the crossing the rear caster wheels of the wheelchair dropped down into the flangeway (slot alongside the inside of the rail that allows the wheel flanges to pass the pavement), trapping the chair.

Q&A - Nitrous Oxide

nitrous oxide systems I have a question about nitrous oxide. Is it legal to have a nitrous oxide system hooked up to a vehicle? If the bottle is detached from the system is it legal? Does the appropriate DOT WHMIS oxidizer symbol convey any legality to transport?

SURVEY - Automated Speed Enforcement

red light camera signA recent survey by ResearchCo has found that 7 out of 10 British Columbians approve of using intersection cameras to conduct speed enforcement as well as ticketing red light runners. The survey also found that just over half of us also support the use of point to point speed cameras while over 3 in 5 support either fixed or mobile speed cameras.

Electronic Monitoring

ball and chainOur current system of trying to change driver behaviour largely consists of traffic tickets, vehicle impoundment and driver's licence suspensions. They all rely on traffic policing to find and deal with those who don't follow the rules. How efficient is that?

NEWS - Ride Hailing Regulations Announced

New BC LogoOur government has announced that ride hailing companies will be allowed to apply for licensing from the Passenger Transportation Board on September 3, 2019. If you are interested in becoming a driver for one of these services it would be wise to begin your planning now as you will require a class 4 driver's licence, criminal record check, driving record check, a current vehicle inspection and extra insurance from ICBC.

Q&A - Flashing Yellow Pedestrian Crossing Lights

Pedestrian Crossing signThis question is regarding pedestrian controlled crossings (with the yellow flashing lights, street illumination lighting, etc.). I know that you have written many articles regarding pedestrians and have quoted the applicable sections of the Act. However, I am still not 100% sure of the requirements of these particular crossings. Four of these have been added in my community and local area in the past few years and it seems to me that there is some confusion over responsibilities of stopping.

Think Ahead

Emergency Scene Ahead SignThe rain is pounding down outside this morning as I sit looking out my livingroom window with tablet and coffee in hand. I'm warm and dry enjoying the idea that being retired means I am no longer on the highway investigating collisions in this weather. Of course, Murphy was listening...