NEWS - ATV Deaths

ATVThe B.C. Coroner's Service has released statistics on All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) deaths in the province from 2009 to 2018. Impaired driving was involved in half of them.

RESEARCH - Speeding is Best Predictor of Crash Risk

speed demonThe University of Waterloo has identified speed as the best predictor of crashes after analyzing data from onboard devices in vehicles. The research examined four aggressive driving behaviours, speeding, hard braking, hard acceleration and hard cornering for possible links and the likelihood of crashes. Of the four, only speed was statistically significant as a strong predictor of crashes.

Wet Weather Driving

Hydroplaning in wet weatherWelcome to wet weather season in British Columbia! Some areas are blessed with this situation more often than others, but drivers need to be aware of the perils of wet highways. The well being of you and other road users depend on it.

The Armpit Belt

Seatbelt graphicTwo women once appeared for trial on on of my traffic court dates. Both were disputing a ticket for failing to wear a seat belt under section 220(4) of the Motor Vehicle Act. They each testified that they were wearing their seat belt, but had placed the shoulder belt under their arms.

VIDEO - What Should An Electric Car Sound Like?

VideoElectric cars are extremely quiet, offering some welcome silence in our cities. But they also bring new dangers, since they can easily sneak up on unsuspecting pedestrians. What kind of sounds should they make to keep people safe? Get a preview of what the future may sound like as acoustic engineer and musician Renzo Vitale shows how he's composing a voice for electric cars.

Q&A - Overkill for a Broken Windshield?

Q&A ImageI got a Ticket for "Improperly Equipt Vehicle" under the MVA 219(1). For a Fine of $109. And a order to get my vehicle a Safety Inspection. I have a 2010 GMC Sierra that I keep in excellent shape in all respects. The Officer did not Specify any defects on my Ticket. How can I prepare a defenceman without notice of the law?

Also the Officer did not write his name on the ticket.