Q&A - Does Our Hay Trailer Need a Licence and Insurance?

Q&A ImageWe own a small ranch in BC. Our hay fields stretch out along a small public road that runs through our ranch. We have just purchased a large truck which is now insured with farm plates to haul our hay bales off of the fields. We have been told that the hay trailer being pulled by this truck needs to be liscenced.

CASE LAW - Ferguson v Kennedy

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis case concerns a collision that occurred on a gravel mountain road near Agassiz, BC. Solomon Kennedy had been passed by a pickup truck that raised a cloud of dust as it passed. Mr. Kennedy was travelling into the sun and was unable to see ahead due to the glare in the dust cloud. Connor Ferguson was travelling in the opposite direction as the pickup passed and saw that the Kennedy vehicle was partly on his side of the road. He sounded his horn and braked to a stop but was struck by the Kennedy vehicle.

CASE LAW - R v Zargarian

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThis is an appeal by Bahman Zargarian from his conviction by a Judicial Justice of the Peace in Provincial Court at Nanaimo on December 19, 2012. Mr. Zargarian's vehicle had been observed in traffic by a constable who visually determined that it was travelling faster than the posted speed limit of 50 km/h. Based on that observation, the constable stopped the vehicle and issued Mr. Zargarian, who was driving, a speeding ticket. Mr. Zargarian disputed the ticket and was convicted in provincial traffic court.

Passed & Forgotten

car in rear view mirrorThe topic of choice in the DriveSmartBC e-mail box this past week has been about drivers who pass you in the left lane of a multiple lane highway and then immediately change lanes back in front of you. This action leaves less (sometimes much less) than optimum following distance between you and the driver who passed you.

Disobeying The Laws of Physics

AccelerationYou may be able to disregard the rules in the Motor Vehicle Act and survive, but flouting the laws of physics when you drive will eventually result in a collision. I spent a decade dealing with concepts like perception - reaction time, coefficients of friction and maximum acceleration when I did a forensic examination of a collision scene.