Signs & Signals

Information regarding traffic signs and signals.

What Pedestrian Signals Mean

image of typical pedestrian signalsThis week's correspondence contained a request to explain what pedestrian signals mean. The gentleman who sent me the e-mail expressed the opinion that many people either did not know what pedestrian signals mean or choose to deliberately disobey them. Would I please explain so that they would know what to do.

RESEARCH - Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Effectiveness

Pedestrian CrossingThe University of Vermont Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty has published a report on the efficacy of rectangular rapid flashing pedestrian crossing beacons (RRFB) for the Vermont Agency of Transportation. The report reviews previous literature on the effectiveness of the beacons and then applied their own observational research to evaluate the effectiveness of RRFBs in small towns and rural areas.

A Yellow Light Means Stop

Yellow LightBelieve it or not, in British Columbia a yellow traffic light tells you that you must stop before you enter the intersection! Yes, I know that there is one caveat to that statement, and it is "unless the stop cannot be made in safety." The onus is on the driver that does not stop for the yellow light to show that it was unsafe if they are involved in court proceedings because of their decision.