VIDEO- How to Stop Speeding in Your Neighbourhood

VideoThere's a little known secret that can be used to stop speeding in your neighbourhood. Make the roads more narrow! A wide, empty street just entices drivers to increase their speed. They will unconsciously readjust their perceived risk and drive at a speed based on how comfortable they feel driving on your street.

NEWS - Government Mandates

BC LogoPremier John Horgan has issued letters of expectation to the heads of the government ministries. There is mention of reducing ICBC rates, but no direct instruction on improving road safety. The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure says that the ministry's responsibilities, which includes highway construction, maintenance and operations are central to safety.

Snow Removal Equipment

Snow Plow TruckKnowing how to behave around snow removal equipment when you encounter it on the highway is important for both your safety and that of the equipment operator. These trucks must operate at optimum speeds to remove snow, drop sand and salt or apply brine. A bit of patience is required if this optimum is not what you consider appropriate for you.

Q&A - Turning Right & Blocking Traffic

Q&A ImageQ: I run into this issue constantly; where drivers leaving a shopping center parking lot think it's OK to make a right hand turn while traffic has backed up at a red light, but only complete that turn half way thereby blocking the ability of those using the right hand turning lane at the next intersection (starts right after the exit from the parking lot) to use that lane.

Following Too Closely

image of a car following too closelyAsk a lawyer who specializes in collision litigation and they will tell you that the most frequent collision type they deal with is a rear end crash. Common causes of rear end collisions include driver inattention or distraction, following too closely, panic stops, and reduced traction due to wet weather or worn pavement.

The Role of Law Enforcement in Supporting Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety: An Idea Book

Ticket WriterThe Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center has released an idea book for law enforcement personnel to assist them in supporting pedestrian and bicycle safety. It is a collection of case studies from around the US that shares programs and practices implemented in communities and explains their impact.

READING - Traffic Management Manual for Work on Roadways

Traffic ConesThe Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has released the 2020 version of the Traffic Management Manual for Work on Roadways. This is essentially an 815 page textbook outlining fundamental principles and guidelines for traffic management and traffic control in work zones. The goal is to ensure the protection of workers and the safe and efficient movement of road users through the work zone.

Defective Vehicles - A Crash Looking for a Place to Happen?

tow awayWhat do you do with a pickup that has only one operating light, a high beam headlight, being driven at night between towns? How about another being driven in the rain with wipers being operated by the passenger who was pushing and pulling on a rope with one end tied to each wiper and run through the passenger compartment via the vent windows? One driver even put black tape over the warning light that would have led him to discover no brake fluid in one reservoir of his master cylinder if he had investigated it.