Q&A - Is the Current Traffic Enforcement System Working?

Q&A ImageI was driving North bound on Hwy 97 approaching Summerland.  As usual I was passed by a speeding vehicle (I confess, I'm a "speeder" but I confine my illegal activity to 10 kph over)  So when I say a speeder, I'm not describing someone going 12 kph over a limit, while I'm travellling 2 kph under.  In the appropriete conditions (dry, light traffic, day time) if I say I'm passed by a speed

CASE LAW - R v Al Farraj

BC Courts Coat of ArmsAbdulrahman Al Farraj is a Saudi Arabian national attending school full time in British Columbia. He was checked by police and produced a Kingdom of Saudi Arabia driver's licence that contained a few words of English and the balance in Arabic. Cst. Hildred of the CRD IRSU unit issued a violation ticket to Mr. Al Farraj for failing to produce a driver's licence as he did not produce a translation that would allow determination of what Mr. Al Farraj was licenced for.

Q&A - Slow Down, Move Over Education

slow down move over signI’m a professional driver on the Island,I have been driving since the mid 60s and have logged many accident free kms. My interest in writing is the “slow down, move over law." I have done it for decades. Not enough drivers seem to be aware of it.

The signs posted on the highways are difficult to read at 120kmh the most prominent portion of them is a red and blue light on top of a sedan.

Road Safety Solutions for Your Neighbourhood

Road Safety Starts With YouThere is nothing like a near miss or collision to focus your mind on road safety. I often hear from people hoping to enlist my help in solving their issue. Requests have ranged from posting lower speed limits to constructing left turn lanes recently. Most people have already tried something on their own and are frustrated with what they see as the authorities not wanting to apply what they see as the solution.

Towed for Excessive Speed Avoiding a Tailgater

Q&A ImageI received a excessive speeding ticket while on my motorcycle in June 2016. I stated to the police officer that I was attempting to elude a tailgater, which he did not see of course.

The tailgater positioned himself behind my bike 3 times in 3 kilometers before I sped off to go to a public venue with cameras should the tailgater cause me trouble.

NEWS - Neighbourhood Golf Carts

Neighbourhood Golf Cart SignStarting September 1, 2016 the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has authorized a pilot project to allow golf carts to operate on certain approved local roads in the Town of Qualicum Beach and the Village of Chase. Expected to last up to two years, the project will assess the use of golf carts as an alternative transportation method on low volume, low speed roads. The initiative is aimed at people who are interested in using vehicles other than automobiles to make local, short trips.