RESOURCE - Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety

chorus logoA project of the Roadway Safety Foundation, a U.S. non-profit, the site is designed to be a centralized, user-friendly, and dynamic source of information pertaining to highway safety for aging drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and cyclists. Built as a comprehensive resource, it covers all three major components of highway safety: safe roadways, safe road users, and safe vehicles.

CASE LAW - R v Chamberlain

BC Courts Coat of ArmsColt Chamberlain was convicted in traffic court for driving at 145 km/h in a posted 90 km/h zone on highway 19 in Delta. He appealed the conviction based on the failure of the Crown to prove that the speed sign in place on the highway that day was posted by the minister responsible for the administration of the Transportation Act and that the sign applied to his lane of travel.

Q&A - Backup Light Confusion

Q&A ImageQ: How is it that car manufacturers are allowed to use reverse lights for functions other than reversing?

I find it very confusing in a parking lot when I am slowing down for a vehicle that has reverse lights on, only to find people walking towards it or away from it and the vehicle is simply using the reverse lights as a "parking light" or some such thing.

READING - A New Traffic Safety Paradigm

VTPI LogoThe Victoria Transport Policy Institute has released a document that recognizes the long term decline in traffic casualty rates is ending. According to the document's introduction "Crash rates have started to increase, indicating that current traffic safety strategies have fulfilled their potential. To achieve ambitious safety goals such as Road to Zero we need additional traffic safety strategies. This will require a paradigm shift, a change in the way traffic risks are measured and potential safety strategies are evaluated."