Improperly Modified and Defective Vehicles

ClunkerProblems with vehicles can range from overdue maintenance to modifications that may be described as fashion over function. Responsibility for their correction rests principally with the owner and driver. When that fails, it now falls to the police and designated inspection facilities to either nudge or force correction. Depending on the severity of the defects, remedies can range from a simple reminder to a tow truck and seizure of the vehicle license and number plates.

Why is Everyone in the Left Lane?

Busy Left LaneMore and more often when I drive on a busy highway I'm finding much of the traffic jammed into the left lane, each driver trying unsuccessfully to get ahead of the others. One would think that this situation would be akin to being the proverbial kid in the candy store for anyone in traffic law enforcement, violations everywhere! Slower traffic failing to keep right, following too closely, unsafe lane change, cross single solid line, failing to signal lane change and, depending on your point of view, the root cause of much of this: attempting to exceed the speed limit.

Q&A - Alberta Interlock Transfer

Counter Attack LogoHello, Just wondering, If i am currently on the Alberta Interlock Program to get my full license back. Am i able to switch to a BC License and continue on with my program? I have moved here and was told I have 90 days to switch over my license however I am not going to be done my Alberta Interlock Program within that time.

CASE LAW - R v Kafka

BC Courts Coat of ArmsRobert Pitman-Jelly was driving a tractor trailer southbound in the 9800 block of West Saanich Road in Victoria. His intent was to turn left into the driveway for the Marine Technology Center. To prepare for the turn, Mr. Pitman-Jelly moved to the right side of the road in order to make a wide left turn due to the length of his vehicle combination. He was aware of traffic around him and judged that he had sufficient time to make the turn safely. He signalled and started to make his turn only to have a passing vehicle collide with the left front corner of his tractor.

A Comedy of Errors

ICBC LogoThis week ICBC rolled out a new road safety campaign called Drive Smart. It's aimed at increasing driver knowledge, promoting staying focused while driving and looking out for the safety of other road users. There is also a special social media hashtag: #KnowYourPartBC.