When Drivers Kill

Scales of JusticeI've often thought to myself over the years that if I ever wanted to kill someone the best way to do it would be to drive over them. I would wait until I found them stepping into a crosswalk and make sure that I hit them while I was turning onto the street they were crossing. I would then screech to a halt, return and scream "Oh no, I didn't see them, I'm sorry!"

READING - Not So Fast!

VTPI LogoJust because we can go fast doesn't mean that we should. When it comes to the speeds set on our highways, many drivers look at it solely from an engineering point of view. Letting physics and what you can (or can't) see as your guide to personal speed setting does not take in the larger picture.

4 Way Stops

4 Way Stop SignWho goes first at a 4 way stop? The concept should be simple, first to stop, first to go. However, when more than one driver stops at the same time the situation becomes a bit more complicated. Do you know who to give the right of way to?

CASE LAW - Kim v Dresser

BC Courts Coat of ArmsKonho Kim was driving his car on 108 Avenue approaching the 4 way stop at the intersection of 164 Street in Surrey. He stopped and observed a car driven by Megan Levonne approching from his left. Expecting Ms. Levonne to stop, Mr. Kim proceeded to make a right turn. The two vehicles collided in the intersection. This case determines liability for the collision and explores a driver's duty of care in the circumstances.

Load Security

No Load SecurityA reader asks about an incident where a ladder had fallen off a truck traveling on the highway. The driver following behind the truck took evasive action that resulted in a collision. This question raises many important issues including hazard avoidance, duty at a collision and load securement.