Nominate the Driver

pointing fingerThe state of New South Wales, Australia has just tightened their rules on intersection safety camera violations. Companies were not nominating the drivers of their vehicles who were responsible for the violations as that state requires. This amounted to approximately 7,000 events that drivers were not held accountable for.

CASE LAW - Harris v Doe

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of Harris v Doe involves the hit and run of a cyclist, Lucian Harris, by an unknown driver. The collision took place at the intersection of Williams Street and Reece Avenue in Chilliwack. Mr. Harris was riding southbound intending to turn left from Williams onto Reece and was overtaken by a driver. Harris was struck when he began his left turn and the vehicle passed by him.

VULNERABLE ROAD USERS - Limited Insurance Benefits

ICBC LogoThe August 14, 2021 edition of Global News Back on the Beat examines how the recent changes to ICBC coverage has resulted in significant difficulties for vulnerable road users, cyclists and pedestrians, if they are involved in a crash. John Daly speaks with David Hay QC, a personal injury lawyer and three cyclists who were hurt in a crash with a vehicle.

COLWOOD - No Thought for Pedestrians

Pedestrian CrossingI found an interesting post on Twitter this morning by @renomate talking about the intersection of Ocean Boulevard and the Island Highway in Colwood. He said "Standing at the intersection, waiting for the little "walk" symbol to appear so we can cross... my (8 year old) daughter says to me, "Dad, what do you do if you want to cross there"? (pointing perpendicular to where we are crossing) "you have to cross 3 times, and there's not even a scramble"

HISTORY - Highway 3 Near Greenwood

BC LogoThis shot is from the B.C. Archives and is of Highway 3 near Greenwood, taken in the 1950s. It shows how much our major hightways have improved since then. The lanes may be the same width, but the shoulders are improved and marked with solid white lines. The white center line is now yellow and likely is not a single broken line here today. Concrete guard rail replaces the old post and steel beam that often penetrated the passenger compartment in a collision.

CYCLING - The Idaho Stop

Stop SignThis one surprised me, research that shows it is actually safer for cyclists to slow down and go past a stop sign without stopping instead of coming to a full stop. The US state of Idaho's statute Title 49, Chapter 7 permits it, along with different behaviour at a red light. Cyclists are required to stop and yield, but may proceed on the red if it is safe to do.

RESEARCH - LED Street Lighting

LED Street Light FixtureLED street lighting is controversial where I live. When BC Hydro upgraded some sections of the Town of Qualicum Beach the complaints started. For the most part they were about the new lights being too bright. There were many references in the media to colour temperature but none to the number of lumens that these lights were actually producing.

Left Lane Blockers

Keep Right SignWhen I used an unmarked car for enforcement, one of the tactics that I would use on multi-laned highways involved finding a vehicle traveling at the speed limit in the left hand lane. I would take up a position in the right hand lane a few vehicles lengths back and wait. It did not take long before another driver was dangerously close to the vehicle that I was following, trying to bulldoze them out of the way.