SURVEY - What B.C. Drivers Don’t Know Can Hurt Them

Road Safety at Work LogoA survey conducted by Road Safety at Work shows many people who drive as part of their job have misconceptions about motor vehicle crashes – and their causes – on B.C.’s roads. “Learning the facts can help prevent injuries and even save their lives,” says Louise Yako, program director for Road Safety at Work.

Driving Without a Licence

BC Driver's LicenceA reader has asked "What would happen to me if I was caught driving without a drivers licence?" It is a question that will expose serious consequences for you and the owner of the vehicle you are driving if it is not your own. I will confine my answer to the situation where you don't have a driver's licence either because you did not get one, it was expired or you did not have it properly reinstated after a suspension or prohibition.

RESEARCH - Driving Deaths Caused by Simple Errors

TAC LogoThe Transport Accident Commission (TAC) of Victoria, Australia reports that new research reveals the majority of the state’s road deaths happen because of a simple mistake committed by the driver.  In 2020, 71% of road deaths involved a basic error, as opposed to high-risk behaviours such as speeding, drink-driving and drug-driving.

Driver's Licence Restrictions

New Driver SignsMy girls attend high school and daily I watch as many of these students fill their cars with friends while displaying the "N" reports a reader. They go on to say that they spoke to their girls about this and the girls said that these young people just ignore that stipulation because no one checks and it is a nuisance being allowed to only carry one passenger.

ICBC - Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT)

ICBC LogoSeptember 1, 2021 saw the implementation of a new website location and design for ICBC's driver training information. Of interest on the new site is information on teaching the new Class 1 driver Mandatory Entry Level Training known as MELT. There are already a number of driving schools that are offering MELT training and they can be found here.

Highway Closures

Road Closed Ahead SignWe have come to expect that our highways will always be open to us to use at any time under all conditions. When something occurs, such as a serious collision, some drivers still think that their convenience takes priority over all other issues and the highway should not be closed to them.

VIDEO - Protected Intersections for Cyclists

VideoThis video is shared from the Protected Intersections for Bicyclists website. The author, Nick Falbo, explains that the concepts presented in the video are exploratory and experimental, but judging from the material provided on the site it might be more accurate if the words "in North America" were added. This appears to follow the standard Dutch design in a North American setting.