VIDEO - Motorcycle Safety: Put Yourself in Their Shoes

video iconTAC Victoria's 'Vice Versa' campaign was first launched in 2002 and is aimed at car drivers highlighting the vulnerability of motorcyclists and the need to be more aware and actively look for them on the road. The campaign depicts a rider in everyday traffic conditions and a car driver who is attempting to change lanes.

Q&A - For Sale? How?

Q&A ImageWe are selling one of our cars this spring, actually its a westfalia van. Right now it's parked in our driveway with For Sale signs up in the windows. I understand that it can't be parked on any highway (streets) and I need the owners permission to park it anywhere else (I have permission to park it in the parking lot at work beside a busy street).

Radar and Laser Jammers

Laser JammerRadar and laser detectors are currently legal to install in your vehicle and use to avoid prosecution for failing to follow the speed limits in British Columbia. One has to ask why BC is one of the few provinces in our country that has not made this illegal. If you think like I do, inappropriate speed is a significant contributor to collisions and should not be encouraged in any way.

RESOURCE - BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit

BC Injury Research & Prevention UnitAccording to the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit "motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of unintentional injury death across all ages in BC. The majority of motor vehicle collisions involve injury to occupants, yet many motor vehicle-related injuries can occur among pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists.

Q&A - Cross Walk Signage

Q&A ImageAt the corner of Johnson Road and Russell Avenue there is a regular crosswalk sign that has been in place for many years. Two years ago, White Rock installed traffic lights along with pedestrian "Walk - Don't Walk" electric signs; but has not taken down the old crosswalk signs.

Got Your Quota Yet?

Police Officer on foot approaching driverGot your quota yet? It was a jab that I heard often at the roadside and some days I really wanted to respond to it. "Yes, thank you. This ticket means I get a new toaster!" Somehow I don't think the driver would have seen any humour in it.

Q&A - Passing in School Zones

Q&A ImageThe way I was taught to drive in school zones was that there is no passing, even with four lanes, even with people stopping to let someone out, or a cyclist who is doing 20 km/h rather than the posted 30 km/h maximum. However, I have been passed in all three of these instances recently, by people who felt they were well entitled to their actions. This needs some clarification.