Q&A - Pedestrian Controlled Crosswalks

Q&A ImageI'm confused, please clarify BC road rules. At a pedestrian controlled crosswalk, after the pedestrian has cleared the crosswalk, though while the light is still solid red... Can the driver then proceed?

And also, if the pedestrian controlled crosswalk was red, can the car stopped at the stop signs (of the joining road) enter... And wait in front of the cross walk, or drive on thru?

The Better Than Average Driver

OptimismHave you ever met anyone who would admit to being less than a better than average driver? The next time you are having a casual conversation in a group ask this question. Changes are good that the majority of the people there will rate themselves as better than average, something that cannot be as half of us have to be less than average drivers.

Using Stop Signs to Control Speed

stop signSpeeds considered excessive by residents are considered reasonable by these same persons when they are driving in another neighborhood. This observation is taken from a publication titled Speed Control in Residential Areas by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). It goes on to say that residents’ complaints are usually accompanied by a proposed solution to the speeding problem...stop signs.

Q&A - Right Turn Conflict With Motorcycle

Q&A ImageI was driving a Nissan xterra (fairly large vehicle) south on Ziprick just past Costco in Kelowna. As I approached the three way intersection I observed there was a motorcycle near the center lane with his right turn indicator flashing. As he was in what appeared to me as the straight thru lane I assumed he had left his indicator on in error.

Cycling on the Wrong Side

CyclistI'm seeing so many cyclists on the wrong side of the road lately that I am starting to wonder if the law has changed says a reader from Courtenay. It might save a life or two if they got back on the right side of the road! I agree with him because I almost made a hood ornament out of a wrong way cyclist not long ago.

Q&A - Replacing Glass with Plastic

Q&A ImageLast time my mother in law visited from Alberta she took a rock which shattered her rear window of her car. After receiving an estimate from a local glass company she pled instead to cover the window with a piece of plastic (the glass shop did this for her). She is not financially able to have it repaired and now wants to come back for a visit with her car.