Q&A - Driver's Window Winder

Q&A ImageQuestion: I was pulled over today for no reason and after a long wait the officer gave me a Motor Vehicle Act infraction warning because my driver side window winder doesn't roll down. I have looked and I can not find this in the Motor Vehicle Act, is this really an infraction?

Functional Window Winder Required

The rule that you are referring to is in the Schedule to Division 7 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations:

Left window riser

10 The left front window shall be capable of being readily opened and closed to facilitate manual signals.

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I was pulled over today for no reason.

Seriously, you expect us to believe this?

theres a law that should be changed.

3 guesses as to the only hand signals I've ever seen a fellow driver use.

maybe it should be changed to...readily opened and closed to facilitate Communicating with law enforcement, and ordering fast food.