
Information regarding wildlife on highways.

Collision With Wildlife, What to do?

Wildlife Crossing SignOver the 11 years ending in 2017 an average of about 5,762 wildlife collisions were noted in the Wildlife Accident Reporting System each year. The data is provided by BC's road maintenance contractors. I suspect that this number is not the entire picture as some animals are able to struggle away from the collision scene and die unnoticed. One estimate places this number at 12,000 annually.

Duty to Warn Others After a Crash

BC Courts Coat of ArmsHarris Wheeler was driving northbound on Highway 97 in the vicinity of the brake check at the top of the South Taylor Hill. A moose ran across the road from his left and hit the front of his truck. The moose lay on the road and Mr. Wheeler stopped a short distance away to assess the damage. He did nothing to warn others of the moose.