Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Pushing Me To Go Faster

Question: motorcycleI was on a motorcycle trip a few years ago with a friend , and was riding about 10 km/h faster on a two lane highway and cars were still pushing me to go faster. There was a solid line so no passing as well there were also curves to consider. The shoulder was loose gravel and for me to pull over each time the cars formed a pack behind me I would slow down and pull off to let them go.

Q&A - Change Lanes Without Signal

Q&A ImageQuestion: I just received a ticket under section 151(c) MVA, basically saying that I changed lanes without signal. I find it upsetting that I received this ticket because I did turn on my signal. He said it was just not fast enough as I was just completing a right turn then going to the left lane and the blinker was still signalling right.