Q&A - Was I in the Wrong?

Double Solid Yellow LineI was sitting in a line of vehicles at the red light in the northbound lane of Woodsdale Road, at the intersection of Woodsdale Road & Highway 97 in Lake Country, British Columbia this afternoon. A northbound driver in a truck on Highway 97 turned south onto Woodsdale Road and immediately tried to cross the intersection diagonally to a driveway leading to his business at a small Marina on Wood Lake.

Q&A - Tying Down ATVs

Me and my husband are trying to figure out the requirements for tying down our ATVs. We’ve Googled the question and are still a bit lost. I have attached a picture and one of the quads in question. Do all 4 wheels need to be strapped down, or can we do a front left and rear right tie down?

Thinking Ahead of Big Trucks

danger no go zoneOne of the critical concepts I learned as a collision investigator this that fully loaded heavy trucks have 50 to 60% of the braking capability of light vehicles. This assumes that the braking system is not overheated, has been maintained properly and is correctly adjusted.

Air brake systems also suffer from brake lag, a short time period that occurs between the driver stepping on the brake pedal and the brakes starting to apply.

INVESTIGATION - Motorized Wheelchair Collision

motorized wheelchairIn the early evening of May 26, 2018 a person in a motorized wheelchair tried to cross the railroad tracks at Broadway Street in Chilliwack. During the crossing the rear caster wheels of the wheelchair dropped down into the flangeway (slot alongside the inside of the rail that allows the wheel flanges to pass the pavement), trapping the chair.

Q&A - Nitrous Oxide

nitrous oxide systems I have a question about nitrous oxide. Is it legal to have a nitrous oxide system hooked up to a vehicle? If the bottle is detached from the system is it legal? Does the appropriate DOT WHMIS oxidizer symbol convey any legality to transport?