
Information related to vehicle speed and speeding.

Wet Weather Driving

image of wet weather drivingWelcome to wet weather season in British Columbia! Some areas are blessed with this situation more often than others, but drivers need to be aware of the perils of wet highways. The well being of you and other road users depend on it.

Laser Speed Measurement Accuracy

BC Courts Coat of ArmsMy highway patrol unit was issued its first laser speed measuring device back in the early 1990s. It was a popular tool to use because of both it's accuracy in targeting a specific vehicle and the measurement of that vehicle's speed. Case law regarding the use of the instrument developed over time in court the same way that it did with radar when that was introduced.

Inactive Construction Speed Zone

image of sign for construction speed zone I am occasionally asked why construction speed zone is in effect when there is no work being carried out at the time. The standard response from government is that hazardous situations may exist and the reduced speed is necessary to be safe. Examples given are parked equipment, uneven pavement at the edges of lanes and no shoulder.

The Keep Right Attitude

SoapboxThe left lane is so popular lately that when I keep right I often find myself behind fewer vehicles at the next red traffic light. In fact, at one particular intersection on my commute many times I can be first in line. Everyone else seems stuck in the left lane trying to get ahead, fuming, following too closely and making sudden lane changes.

Q&A - Back Alleys

Q&A ImageQuestion: For a few months now I have been trying to locate specific information on the rules of the road pertaining to back alleys. Simply trying to get a concrete source on the speed limit of back lanes, especially those running along school zones, has been incredibly difficult.