Signs & Signals

Information regarding traffic signs and signals.

Q&A - Right of Way at Signalized Intersection

Q&A ImageA car enters a 6-lane deep intersection on a green light with intentions to go straight through but the car in front of him stops mid-intersection and turns on it's left turn signal, causing the car behind to stop and wait. The light turns yellow and then red before the vehicle turning left is able to proceed. The car behind now must exit the intersection but the perpendicular lanes of traffic now have a green light.

Q&A - Stop Signs and Traffic Lights, Which to Obey?

Q&A ImageThere is a pedestrian controlled crosswalk at Vivian Street crossing 49th Avenue in Vancouver. For vehicle traffic trying to cross or turn there, there is a stop sign. Do I still have to obey the stop sign if I see that a pedestrian has turn the light red (i.e. all traffic on 49th is stopped)? Can I just go straight through?

Q&A - Flashing Yellow and Green Traffic Lights

Q&A ImageI'm a visitor from Virginia, and have been driving in the Vancouver area for a few times in the past. I have read the DriveSmartBC website information on flashing traffic lights but I still need some assistance: what is / are the difference(s) between a flashing yellow light and a flashing green light?

Q&A - Who is responsible for road markings?

Q&A ImageIs this a municipal or provincial responsibility? I see countless examples each year where there are many ways (or in cases, no reasonable way) to take the markings on the road, especially at <50 kph. If a person has these problems in understanding the intent and the expected behaviour, who should queries be directed to? Please advise? Thanks!

Q&A - Pedestrian Controlled Crosswalks

Q&A ImageI'm confused, please clarify BC road rules. At a pedestrian controlled crosswalk, after the pedestrian has cleared the crosswalk, though while the light is still solid red... Can the driver then proceed?

And also, if the pedestrian controlled crosswalk was red, can the car stopped at the stop signs (of the joining road) enter... And wait in front of the cross walk, or drive on thru?

Q&A - Mixed Pedestrian Controls at Intersections

Pedestrian CrossingI'm wondering what the law in BC is for pedestrians on the axis of an intersection that has no pedestrian control lights. An example in Vancouver would be Main Street at 10th Avenue. There are vehicle control lights on the North-South axis and pedestrian control lights on the East-West axis, but not on the North-South axis.

Q&A - Cross Walk Signage

Q&A ImageAt the corner of Johnson Road and Russell Avenue there is a regular crosswalk sign that has been in place for many years. Two years ago, White Rock installed traffic lights along with pedestrian "Walk - Don't Walk" electric signs; but has not taken down the old crosswalk signs.