Safety Equipment

Information regarding driver & vehicle safety systems and equipment.

Booster Seat or Lap Belt?

image of a booster seatWhen I was young there was no such thing as a booster seat. We thought nothing of throwing a mattress in the back of the station wagon, loading up my brother and sisters and heading off on holidays. We would sprawl on that mattress reading comic books or playing games.

What's Behind Me?

mirror view of what is behind the driverWhat's behind me and why should I care? I'm driving down the highway and I'm certainly not going to back into something! There are at least two common hazards that occur regularly behind every driver and looking out for them is just good sense.

RESEARCH - Evaluation of ADAS

An American Automobile Association (AAA) study in 2018 found that over the course of 4,000 miles of real-world driving, vehicles equipped with active driving assistance systems (ADAS) experienced some type of issue every 8 miles, on average. Drivers are reminded that ADAS is not a replacement for paying full attention at all times when you drive.

VIDEO - Helmets Have Always Been a Good Idea

VideoThis video from the Danish Road Safety Council teaches that wearing a bicycle helmet has always been a good idea. From Ads of the World:

The Danes love their bikes, and the Danish capital of Copenhagen is the world’s most cycle-friendly city. One problem, helmets have never become as popular as cycling itself. To combat this, the Danish Road Safety Council launches a campaign which pokes gentle fun at those who are too vain to wear a helmet, by recruiting a group that wore theirs with pride - the Vikings.