
Information regarding passing other vehicles

Q&A - Slow Vehicle Pullouts

Q&A ImageI have a concern about the road between Port Alberni and the West Coast. When they redid the slow vehicle pullouts, they dressed them up to look exactly like passing lanes. Now everyone travels in those lanes. The only difference between the pullouts and passing lanes is that the pullouts don't have signs telling drivers that the lane is ending (why would it, it's not a travel or a passing lane - it's a slow vehicle pullout).

Passing to Avoid a Collision

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of R v Gray arises from an unsafe passing incident that occurred on the highway near Round Lake. A police patrol that was southbound on the highway observed 3 vehicles abreast approaching. The highway was only two lanes wide for northbound traffic so the third vehicle was being driven between the widely spaced solid yellow lines marked in the centre of four lanes.

Stopping for a School Bus

School BusAccording to the Association of School Transportation Services of British Columbia, travel by school bus is statistically the safest method of ground transportation in Canada and by a substantial margin. We all expect and demand nothing less when our children and grandchildren are riding those buses to and from schools and school related events. Surely all drivers should understand this and not hesitate to stop when the red lights on a stopped bus are flashing.

RESEARCH - Enforcement of Cycle Passing Distances

1.5m cycle passing gapCycling advocates in BC would like to see our government enact a safe passing distance law so that drivers are aware of how much space they must leave between their vehicle and the cycle as they drive by. Two US cities, Grand Rapids, Michigan and Knowville, Kentucky have such laws and were chosen by NHTSA for a study of how high visibility enforcement of the law influenced passing distances.

Driver's Duty When Passing

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of Doyle v Hubick determines the liability for a two vehicle collision on the Sea to Sky Highway 32 km south of Pemberton. Both vehicles reached the end of the passing lane at about the same time. The drivers were unable to decide who should pull ahead and who should drop back ultimately resulting in a crash.

Q&A - Can I Pass on the Right Here?

Q&A ImageQUESTION: It seems to be a regular occurrence on our single highway Gibsons / Sechelt community to use the bus stops on the right side of the highway as passing lanes for those cars queued up behind a car turning left. I have thought it illegal to do this, so I wait behind the left tuning vehicle until they clear the highway. I have been passed on the right often by several cars behind me, using the bus stop.

Q&A - Can You Park in a T Intersection?

Q&A ImageQUESTION: I live on a street where there is a T intersection. I'm wondering if it is OK to park in the top T portion of the intersection.

To complicate further - there is a curb let down (or curb ramp) on one leg of the T intersection. What is the distance required from the curb let down before a car can park? Is it 1.5 m (distance from driveway) or is it 6 m (distance from intersection)?