
Information regarding wildlife on highways.

Collision With Wildlife, What to do?

Wildlife Crossing SignOver the 11 years ending in 2017 an average of about 5,762 wildlife collisions were noted in the Wildlife Accident Reporting System each year. The data is provided by BC's road maintenance contractors. I suspect that this number is not the entire picture as some animals are able to struggle away from the collision scene and die unnoticed. One estimate places this number at 12,000 annually.

GUEST - Warning Wildlife by Using Your Horn

Deer Crossing SignMulti-lane highways are not wildlife viewing areas. Using them as such puts the animals, yourself, and other road users at significant risk.

Traveling north by motorcycle from Vernon around 6:20 am Saturday morning. Near the weigh scales, 90 km/h zone, 2 lanes northbound, with concrete barrier adjacent to the left lane. I noted an SUV in front of me in the right lane slowing, and then stopping.

CASE LAW - Ziemer v Wheeler

BC Courts Coat of ArmsHarris Wheeler was driving northbound on Highway 97 south of Taylor, B.C. when his vehicle collided with a moose. Shortly afterward Aron Walter, driving southbound, struck that moose which was then laying on the highway. That collision caused his vehicle to cross over the center line where he struck a vehicle driven by Raymond Ziemer head on.