Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Crossing a Solid Line

Q&A ImageQ: I was on a highway in bumper-to-bumper traffic approaching my exit for work and changed lanes to the right once I saw the end of HOV lane sign, and in doing so crossed a solid white line. An RCMP officer was on the side of the highway and waved me over. I explained that I would be exiting the highway and that's why I changed lanes. He gave me a ticket for violation of Section 151(b) - crossing a solid line.

I appealed the ticket and intend to plead not guilty on the basis of section 156, which suspends sections 151 and 155 under certain conditions.

Q&A - Difficulty Entering a Traffic Circle

Q&A ImageQuestion: I live near a small traffic circle at Peatt and Brock Roads in Langford. What often happens is a large volume of traffic flows south down Peatt Road and proceeds straight through. There can be 10 or 15 cars in a row. Meanwhile, there will be a vehicle on Brock Road waiting for a break in traffic to proceed into the circle.

Q&A - No Pedestrian Crossing

Q&A ImageQ: I am confused by this sign on Pandora Avenue in Victoria that seems to indicate no pedestrian crossing to vehicle traffic yet there is nothing to tell the pedestrian not to cross the street here. There is even a wheelchair ramp encouraging pedestrians to cross. I suspect that there are more examples of this in the area. Can you explain what that sign means?

Q&A - Pleasure use Only

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So I was rear ended today. There was no damage to my truck, but the car that hit me didn't come out of it too well. I phoned into ICBC to make an accident report. Through the process, I had told them that the guy who hit me was a pizza delivery guy. Turns out he had pleasure use only on his insurance. My question is, how will this affect his claim seeing he was working with his car at the time?