
Information related to the author's viewpoint.

VIEWPOINT - Don't Wave, Drive!

SoapboxSome of the most dangerous drivers on the road recently are those that are trying to be polite by waving a second driver to go when that second driver doesn't have the right of way. Drivers should just drive to the rules of the road, its safer and keeps the traffic moving in an orderly fashion.

VIEWPOINT - Wasting my Time

SoapboxThis AM I submitted a drivers complaint to the local RCMP with a statement and diagrams showing where the incident took place. Well, they called me back telling me they had contacted the driver re the complaint and decided to give her a warning as she did have a clean driving record, and the constable said she apologized.

My thought was she had a clean driving record, probably because she has not been caught.

Should Government Revise Our New Impaired Driving Program?

MegaphoneOur new impaired driving penalties appear to be getting the word out: drinking and driving is not acceptable here in B.C. If you do and are caught, it will be a long road to travel in order to restore your driving privileges. So be it, you knew that there could be consequences when you turned the key.

VIEWPOINT - Traffic Policing Priorities in Port Alice

SoapboxThe disposal of beer cans and bottles out of vehicle windows along the twenty mile stretch of road between the main highway cut off and the Port Alice mill is not only a sad commentary about the local transient population, but it also means that an immense amount of drinking and driving has been going on. This has been occurring for many years with no attempt at correction.