
Information related to the author's viewpoint.

Those That Can't, Those That Don't and Those That Don't Care

SoapboxFor the sake of making my point, I'm going to divide traffic rule violators into three categories; those that don't know the rules, those that make honest mistakes and those who are selfish and don't think about what their actions might result in. I know that I try my best not to be in the first category and despite my best efforts am occasionally part of the second category. Hopefully I am never in the last category.

VIEWPOINT - The Cost of Following the Speed Limit

SoapboxI am 79 years old and I consider myself a very safe driver. I have driven hundreds of thousand of miles, from city bus in Edmonton, to semi trailer from Edmonton to Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Fort Mac. and Yellow Knife, and thousands of miles by private auto. I have never been the cause of an accident, and I have only gotten one (1) speeding ticket. That was not entirely my fault.

VIEWPOINT - Maintain Your Proper Lane Position!

SoapboxI'm not sure if you have covered this in previous columns but two of my biggest peeves is people that can't maintain proper lane positioning and people that shave corners. This is extremely dangerous if the offending driver is coming into your lane and a friggin' nuisance when following behind someone that 'gets into the gravel" and spits it up. What happened to the drivers courtesy today?

VIEWPOINT - Targetting Little Old Ladies Going to Church

SoapboxAfter just coming back from a trip I thought I would see what you have to say about an issue that has been bugging me for some time. One can not drive very far without encountering one of what I call the crazies. The driver who drives like a fool, way too fast for either weather or road conditions, passing when its not safe, Etc. Etc.,and generally putting everyone in his or her path at risk.

VIEWPOINT - Recall Testing

SoapboxIn order to obtain a drivers license an individual must demonstrate knowledge of traffic laws/rules and proficiency in operating a motor vehicle.

Skills and knowledge were demonstrated when the drivers license was granted. Yet, over time many people replace those skills with poor habits, and the knowledge can become information infrequently accessed, if they can still recall it accurately or at all.

VIEWPOINT - Cyclist / Motorist / Pedestrian Interaction

CyclistI live on the Island Highway close to the downtown area of Campbell River. Over the past decade both as a pedestrian and as a motorist I have nearly been hit by cyclists numerous times as they careen down the sidewalk trying to see how much air they can catch jumping the driveway cuts. Very often they are going faster than the cars on the road.