
Information related to motorcycles.

Q&A - Pushing Me To Go Faster

Question: motorcycleI was on a motorcycle trip a few years ago with a friend , and was riding about 10 km/h faster on a two lane highway and cars were still pushing me to go faster. There was a solid line so no passing as well there were also curves to consider. The shoulder was loose gravel and for me to pull over each time the cars formed a pack behind me I would slow down and pull off to let them go.

Q&A - Enforcement of Excessive Noise

Q&A ImageI'm flabbergasted that motorcycles with loud exhausts seem to be the "sacred cows" of our highways and byways. I recently spent about 18 hours working at a job site immediately adjacent to Harvey Avenue near Pandosy Street, during two sunny days of spring weather. The number of loud motorcycles and "jacked-up" diesel 4 x 4's trucks that constantly hammered their throttles was astonishing.

Q&A - Reserved Lane Use

Bicycle Lane SignQUESTION: I have been driving home on Rupert Street in Vancouver lately and there are some lane markings I am not clear about. Between 12th ave and about Kingsway there is a narrow right hand lane that has a bicycle and a white diamond, there is no other signage. Are motorcycles allowed to use this lane because they regularly do.

NEWS - Coroner Looks at Motorcycle Fatalities

image of BC Coroners Service logoThis provincial government news item was released in March, 2010. It advised that the province of BC saw 286 motorcycle-related deaths on our highways between 2000 and 2007. As a result, the BC Coroner's Service convened a Death Review Panel to examine the increasing frequency of serious collisions. The panel made recommendations to prevent loss of life in similar circumstances.