
Information related to pedestrians.

Dress to be Seen After Dark

image of pedestrians dressed to walk in the darkFew people leave their homes without paying some attention to how they are dressed. When we choose our clothing suit our personality are we thinking about how we will appear to other road users when we are pedestrians after dark? The right choice of clothing for your next walk at night could be critical!

What Pedestrian Signals Mean

image of typical pedestrian signalsThis week's correspondence contained a request to explain what pedestrian signals mean. The gentleman who sent me the e-mail expressed the opinion that many people either did not know what pedestrian signals mean or choose to deliberately disobey them. Would I please explain so that they would know what to do.

Claiming the Crosswalk

image of crosswalk signalQuestion: Please comment on the subject of when a vehicle claims the crosswalk and what pedestrians must do and not do in that situation. Pedestrians seldom wait for vehicles that have lawfully claimed the crosswalk. Sometimes they get upset with drivers and now there is conflict while the driver attempts to complete a maneuver and the pedestrian actively impedes the flow of traffic.