Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Logging Trucks in Residential Areas

Q&A ImageAre the drivers of these masive trucks carring large and very heavy logs taught in their Commerical Vehicle Driving School how important it is ( or should be ) that they obey the road signs perticulary in Residental areas . Judging by what I see in my small community sometimes plagued  by these noisy vehicles I think not .

Q&A - Collision Statistics - Which Ones to Track?

Q&A ImageI noticed that Transport Canada reports serious injuries and the trend, as with fatal injuries, is down ward for the past 2 decades This is good news, if the numbers are accurate.

Traffic fatalities in BC had been trending down ward to 2013, but the number of casualty injuries has been increasing.

The number of casualty injuries in BC is many time higher than the serious injuries reported for all of Canada.

Q&A - Late Dispute Not Allowed

Q&A ImageI was pulled up into a turn lane at a traffic light with one car in front of me. The light turned green but he did not move. I put my truck into park and got out see what the matter. He was texting.

We had an argument and I knocked his mirror off accidently by swinging my hand to motion him to go.

Q&A - Lane Use Signs

Q&A ImageFrom our understanding of the learning guide with the road sign in picture 4 (sign straight or right turn) says that you are to move into correct lane prior to passing road sign cause once you pass road sign you have to now commit to that direction and you also can't cross over solid white line.

Q&A - Does a Good Driving Record Count in Traffic Court?

Q&A ImageQuestion: Last week I received my first ticket in 41 years of driving. I had recently started driving taxi part time in Nanaimo. At the end of a 9 hour shift I dropped the taxi off and got into my own car. Five minutes later I went through a school zone without slowing down, having missed the school zone sign.