Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Pending Driving Prohibition

Q&A ImageMy spouse and I recently moved back to BC. He had a pending Driving Prohibition that had not been acknowledged since 2013. He was an N driver and was prohibited due to unsastisfactory driving record. 

At the end of July he went into ICBC after finding out while trying to switch his license over and acknowledged the suspension.

Q&A - Alberta Interlock Transfer

Counter Attack LogoHello, Just wondering, If i am currently on the Alberta Interlock Program to get my full license back. Am i able to switch to a BC License and continue on with my program? I have moved here and was told I have 90 days to switch over my license however I am not going to be done my Alberta Interlock Program within that time.

Q&A - Friend's Car Impounded

Q&A ImageIf someone is driving without a license and gets their friend's car impounded for 30 days, is there a way to get it out sooner? And is there any trouble for the owner of the vehicle (through their insurance or anything) for having someone drive the vehicle without a license and getting it impounded?

Q&A - Serving an Amended Traffic Ticket

Q&A ImageWhen a motorist is issued a traffic ticket, the service is proven by either the signature of the accused, or by completing the Certificate of Service on the rear side of the Officer's copy.

If there is information that required amendments to be correct that was not part of the shaded area, is there a requirement for the same proof of service as serving the original copy?