PROJECT: Small Towns Big Steps Active Transportation

Six small towns in British Columbia have been singled out for their leadership in Active Transportation. Burns Lake, Duncan, Gibsons, Nelson, Powell River and Rossland were examined for their efforts in promoting Active Transportation. The resulting report aims to assist other communities to improve Active Transportation within their boundaries by explaining the success of the six.

Eleven key lessons are examined:

  1. Collaboration is the foundation of progress
  2. Build the network. Don't let perfect get in the way of the possible
  3. Be ready for grants
  4. Use trails as connectors in the Active Transportation network
  5. Incorporate an equity lens
  6. Get the attention of council, build understanding and support in the community
  7. Place - making can encourage Active Transportation
  8. Highway as Main Street is a complex Active Transportation challenge for small towns
  9. Look at opportunities to integrate Active Transportation improvements with other infrastructure upgrades and capital plans
  10. Look at connections to neighbouring towns
  11. E-bikes have arrived

The report can be read on the site itself or downloaded as a PDF.