
The lighter side of driving.

Traffic Cop Humour

ProLaserIIIIt's a beautiful spring day outside and I don't feel like writing a serious article for you this morning. I'm going to wander off in another direction and tell you a story about traffic cop humour on a bright, sunny day beside a BC highway where a group of us had set up a laser speed monitoring operation that was keeping us busy.

VIDEO - Amazon's Alexa: Back Seat Driver

VideoLet's not be serious for a moment and enjoy a quick humourous video about a driver assistance system that features Amazon's Alexa. In this case it's Alexa doing that tattling, but I have stopped a driver in the past for not wearing his seatbelt and had the child in the passenger seat pipe up "See Dad, I told you to put it on when we left!"

VIDEO - You Honk, You Wait!

VideoIt appears that drivers in Mumbai, India decided that if they all honked their horns the traffic signals changed to green faster. The resulting cacaphony results in sore eardrums, increased heart rate, added stress and contributes to traffic chaos. Something had to be done to preserve health and sanity.

PHOTOS OF CONCERN - Oops, You Forgot Something!

cameraThis was noticed sitting in the parking lot one afternoon. Where was the rest of the vehicle? The elderly driver had managed to hook the front fascia of the vehicle on the curb block when backing out of the space and ripped it off of the car. She allegedly did not realize that this had happened until it was pointed out to her when she stopped in another parking lot shortly afterward.


Blazed: Drug Driving in Aotearoa

image of movie projectorThis short video from New Zealand examines 3 Maori boys waiting in a car for their father to return. They parody the father driving while under the influence of marihuana (blazed) during the wait. It is humourous on the face of it, but if you really think about it they are really keenly aware of the dangers of drug impaired driving.

I have received many e-mails telling me that marijuana does not impair driving, but my experience tends more toward what I see in the video.