REPORT - Health Impacts of Traffic Mishaps and Opportunities for Road Safety

VIHA LogoBetween 2001 and 2008, more than 5,600 VIHA residents were hospitalized and 443 died a result of transport - related motor vehicle events. More people die at a young age from transport - related collisions involving motor vehicles than any other injury - related cause of death.

On average, transport - related hospitalizations from motor vehicle mishaps were associated with annual costs of $7.8 million for the island. The health - related costs would be much higher if non - hospital care expenditures, such as physician services and longer term rehabilitation, were included. Indirect costs, for example from lost wages, would further escalate the actual economic burden associated with crash related injuries.

VIHA has a strong interest in road safety not only because traffic - related injuries have a profound influence on the health and wellbeing of our population but also because these mishaps have the potential to be prevented or mitigated in the community with the appropriate invest ments of time and finances. Reflecting this latter philosophy, the Health Authority has been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at reducing these injuries, frequently in partnership with other like - minded stakeholders.
