Setting an Example for Young Drivers

image of speed signWhenever we hear of a high speed crash involving a new driver we shake our heads in dismay. How could young drivers consider operating their vehicle at such speeds? Don't they know that it is dangerous to drive like this?

I can already hear some people starting to say that it all depends on the circumstances, and I am going to risk your wrath by saying that the majority of drivers on the road pay lip service to the speed limit and the traffic laws.

Setting a Bad Example for Young Drivers

It's a great example to set for our young drivers, do as I say, not as I do because I am only going to follow the speed limit if it suits me to do so.

young drivers speeding risk graphic

When I made my patrols, I paid attention to what was happening around me, even when I had a violator stopped. Unless the roads were bad or headlights were flashed in warning virtually no one was travelling under the speed limit.

In fact, as I wrote the ticket, I saw drivers approach over the limit, slow to the limit to pass my police vehicle and then speed up again before they left my sight and my radar.

No Connection Between Speed and Safety

So, what do the young people learn from their elders? From my perspective it appears to be follow the speed limit when the police are watching, but otherwise do as you please. This is their only concern, and the safety of other road users, much less themselves, doesn't enter the picture at all.

Set a Good Example Instead

What do we do about this? The next time you are tempted to keep up with flow, reconsider. The others driving around you may just choose to stay at the speed limit if you set the example.

Be a good example to other highway users and we may just be able to influence someone positively and contribute to traffic safety.

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