Q&A - Need to Change Court Date - Again

Q&A ImageHow many times will the courts allow a case to be posponed?  I am fighting an elleged excessive speeding ticket.

My lawyer was unable to attend the first date due to scheduling conflict.  Now my lawyer has moved on and I need another lawyer.  Will the courts allow a second date to be posponed.  Next date is approx 1 month from now.

It all depends on the JJP in traffic court. If the first adjournment was made peremptory on the defence you may not be able to obtain a second one. I would contact the court registry, explain your problem and ask for their advice, the sooner the better.

It is rare to have a lawyer in traffic court. I can recall two cases, one defending a client and one as the accused! Perhaps the JJP will have a different view of the situation because of this.