BC's Restricted Licence Plate Program

image of a BC restricted licence plateHave you ever wanted to drive your special purpose utility vehicle on the highway? You won't be taking your golf cart downtown for groceries but you are able to use specific utility vehicles which sometimes require road use. A restricted licence plate and insurance is required in order to do this.

What Are Special Purpose Utility Vehicles?

Special purpose utility vehicles that are eligible to use a restricted licence plate include quads, side by sides, tractors, mowers, snowmobiles and gold carts.

image of vehicle that may use a bc restricted licence plate

Where Can I Drive With a Restricted Licence Plate?

Once properly licensed, you will be able to drive around work sites and in designated areas. Examples of these areas include: private property, parking lots, campgrounds and golf courses. This is in addition to the already accepted uses of crossing a road or travelling in a ditch or on a grass boulevard with an ATV.

Operation Permits From Police

Operation permits from police will not be required where the utility vehicle is operated in routine, low-speed settings such as private property, parking lots, universities, colleges and other designated areas.

They will also not be required for public works use on roads that have a speed limit of less than 50 km/h and when law enforcement uses a utility vehicle for a law enforcement purpose. 

The police issued operation permit will continue to be required for use situations that have higher risk and are not listed in these examples.

Prohibited Motor Vehicles

The use of golf carts and snowmobiles regulated by this division in the past has not changed, but miniature vehicles such as pocket bikes, go karts and toy scooters are now specifically prohibited from on road operation unless they are being used as part of a parade.

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