Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Twin Daughters and GLP

New Driver Signs 2011I have twin daughters who will very soon be getting their 'L'.  The believe the passenger restriction for a learner's licence is 1 supervisor and 1 other passenger.  This will be a considerable lost opportunity for them to practice driving when we go somewhere as a family.  If you've dealt with this situation do you have any advice?

Q&A - Stopping in the middle of a lane change

Q&A ImageI notice a habit of Vancouver drivers is that when they are turning right, and the right hand lane is used for parking and/or cycling, they will casually pull halfway into the right-hand lane and then stop (either for a red light, or to yield to a crosswalk).

Even the 3rd or 4th car in a lineup waiting to turn right will do this: stopping on the dashed line.

Q&A - Pedestrian Right of Way

Q&A ImageMy question regards the right of way of pedestrians who are in the roadway illegally, i.e. they have disobeyed a control signal or have failed to yield to traffic as per section 180. The thought came to me after watching this clip from the United Kingdom, intended to illustrate proper horn use:

Q&A - Problem With Cyclist at Intersection

CyclistI wanted to turn left from one angled road onto another angled road.

Two vehicles were stopped at the stop sign.

The first vehicle was turning right and as he did, I prepared to turn left...suddenly I have a cyclist turning left from the same spot as the car; the cyclist was not obvious tucked beside the car. I could have hit the cyclist.

Q&A - Honk Before Backing Up?

Q&A ImageCurious if you know if it is required by law for a school bus to honk when backing up. Reason I ask is the local school bus has chosen in front of my house as the drop and pickup point for 2 kids that live 1/2 a mile up the road. Not an issue, except every morning at 7 she lays on the horn and wakes me up.

Q&A - How Do We Increase Enforcement On Our Highways?

Q&A ImageI have lived in the southern interior of BC . for just over 20 years .

I ā€˜m told that through my work experience , driving of commercial trucks as well as my own personal vehicles , I am considered to be a professional driver. I am currently semi ā€“ retired and drive a school bus for a local school district .

Q&A - Driving While Wearing Hearing Protection

Q&A ImageWhat are the laws in BC about wearing hearing protection while operating a non-commercial vehicle?

I drive a diesel panel van, and the noise level in the cab is VERY high at highway speeds - to the point that conversation is difficult and my ears ring after extended drives.  I am concerned about hearing damage, so would like to wear hearing protection.

Q&A - Disputing Violation Ticket for My Suicidal Father

Q&A ImageMy 83-year old father got a violation ticket and I am considering whether I should (or can) dispute it on his behalf. It is a somewhat unique case.  My father had shown signs of  mental illness and last month I just managed to get a geriatric specialist to send in a medical report that requires him to take a driving assessment.