Case Law - U Turn Crash

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of Vujevic v Parnell involves the determination of liability for a u turn crash that happened near the intersection of the Mount Seymour Parkway and Fairway Drive in North Vancouver. At this location the Mound Seymour Parkway is a three lane road in a residential area.

Dress to be Seen After Dark

image of pedestrians dressed to walk in the darkFew people leave their homes without paying some attention to how they are dressed. When we choose our clothing suit our personality are we thinking about how we will appear to other road users when we are pedestrians after dark? The right choice of clothing for your next walk at night could be critical!

Liability for the Second Crash

BC Courts Coat of ArmsThe case of Legere v Harvey involves liability for two crashes on Highway 97 at Gallagher Lake north of Oliver. The first crash was between a southbound Mazda 3 driven by Gail Harvey and a deer. The second crash occurred immediately after between Ms. Harvey's Mazda 3 and a northbound Dodge Ram driven by Ryan Legere.

Round and Round the Roundabout

image of a roundaboutRoundabouts and traffic circles are not new to British Columbia, but if the complaints in my inbox are any indication, they are still totally mystifying to some drivers. Common issues include bulldozing into the circle without yielding, signalling when there is no need, not signalling when there is a need, and yes, going around them in the wrong direction.

Wet Weather Driving

image of wet weather drivingWelcome to wet weather season in British Columbia! Some areas are blessed with this situation more often than others, but drivers need to be aware of the perils of wet highways. The well being of you and other road users depend on it.

Using Your Rear View Mirrors

image typical of rear view mirrorsMirror, signal, shoulder check, change is the chant that we all know to follow for a successful lane change. We also use our rear view mirrors to give us a better view than our eyes alone when we are backing up. Is this all that mirrors are used for and are these the only times that we use them?