RESOURCE - Highway Maintenance Standards

BC Highways MaintenanceHave you ever wondered if our B.C. provincial highways are being maintained to the proper standard? Just what are those standards? The B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union web site contains that information in a short video explanation. The video explains who is responsible and how to advise them that a problem exists so that it can be remedied.

The provincial government's website is also a good resource. The maintenance specifications are published there along with which contractors are responsible for the area.

Questions relating to province-wide maintenance programs can be directed by email to Reporting hazards or questions relating to individual service areas should be submitted directly to the respective contractor. 

Soon as I see Tony Whitney's name associated with anything automotive I just go back to 1990. Don't know how many would remember the TV show Driver's Seat which was hosted by Ted Laturnus and Tony Whitney.

A person had written in asking why so many people were driving with their headlight on. This was in 1990 after all cars produced and imported into Canada were legislated to be so equipped. I was floored when two so called experts on automotive issues didn't know that it was a requirement.

Never watched the program after that. You claim to be an expert but are ignorant on what is required in the industry.