Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Motorcycle HOV Lane Use

motorcycleI'm kind of in a dilemma here. I understand how HOV lanes work and that motorcycles are exempt for the 2 person or more rule. My issue is with the ones in towns rather than the highways. Some of the lanes are marked only with a bicycle (which i get are for them only), but most are marked with a bicycle AND a diamond.

Q&A - Red Light Camera Served to Dealership

Q&A ImageI work at a used car dealership (not the owner) doing administration. One of the dealership vehicles was on a test drive (with D plate in a bag with a plate bag pouch) and the test driver drove through a red light up the street and the red light camera took a picture. Someone from court sevices just came by and served the car dealership with a ticket as the demonstration plate belongs to the dealership.

Q&A - Right Turns From Wide Curb Lanes

Q&A ImageMy question relates to right turns. In the City of Vancouver there are a number of intersections where the roadway is of sufficient width for three lanes each way but are only striped for 2. The right lane is therefore double the width of the left lane, and generally is used to accommodate parking and bus stops. Main Street at 41st Avenue southbound is a good example.

Q&A - Passenger Limits When Passengers are Drunk?

New Driver Signs 2011My Friends were at a Christmas party, and had their 20 year old son pick them up at 11:30 to drive them home as they had been drinking. They got stopped in a roadblock and the son got a $311.00 fine for driving with too many people in the car.

He made everyone get out of the vehicle and walk.