Questions from site visitors answered.

Q&A - Raising a Charter Issue in Traffic Court

Q&A ImageI have done fairly extensive on-line research on disputing tickets and, in particular, requesting a stay based on the Charter argument related to delay (seeing as we are in the 18 month range from date of offense to first appearance) and I have found a lot of interesting material related to how to do this (Charter argument) in other jurisdictions (like Ontario), such as the kinds of forms you need to file, the style of cause et

Q&A - Swinging Wide to Pass

Q&A ImageI was walking with a friend on a relatively busy road. We were walking in the white painted sidewalk portion facing traffic, so heading East towards Memorial. We were engaged in a conversation and didn’t hear the garbage truck approaching in the other lane (the right hand lane heading East) as garbage trucks do, he stopped to pick up garbage.