
Information related to pedestrians.

No Playing in the Street!

no playing in the streetI grew up in a small town 50 years ago where the residential street we lived on was treated as an extension of the front yard by all the kids in the neighbourhood. Playing in the street was normal. We all met there to ride bicycles, play 500 up, street hockey, kick the can and almost everything else that we wanted to do.

CASE LAW - Perilli v Marlow

BC Courts Coat of ArmsNot all collision litigation resulting from crashes on our highways involve motor vehicles. In this case, the collision occurred between Rosario Perilli, a jogger, and Wendy Marlow, a 10 year old youth riding a bicycle. Mr. Perilli fell to the ground in his attempt to avoid the collision and suffered injuries, including one to his shoulder that required surgery to repair.

Q&A - Pedestrian Right of Way

Q&A ImageMy question regards the right of way of pedestrians who are in the roadway illegally, i.e. they have disobeyed a control signal or have failed to yield to traffic as per section 180. The thought came to me after watching this clip from the United Kingdom, intended to illustrate proper horn use:

Close Call at the Crosswalk

Walk SignalA pedestrian pushing a child in a stroller and the driver of a van approach an intersection controlled by a traffic light with a pedestrian signal. Both the traffic light and the pedestrian signal are red. The driver is in the lane next to the pedestrian who arrives at the cross street and stops seconds before the driver arrives at the stop line.

Pedestrians vs Drivers

Pedestrian CrossingI was a bit taken aback after reading a discussion on Twitter the other day. The conversation was between a driver and a pedestrian who seemed to hold opposite points of view. The pedestrian felt that they should not have to wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight to be seen at night.

VIDEO - Pedestrian Safety

VideoNHTSA's Getting There Safely Team focuses on pedestrian safety in this 21 minute video designed to teach elementary school children to walk safely in environments that contain traffic or other safety hazards. Designed for pupils in grades 3 to 6, it teaches critical thinking skills for walking around traffic.

CASE LAW - R v Griffith

BC Courts Coat of ArmsOn the 19th of August, 2013 Christopher Griffith stopped his vehicle in the parking lot of the Royal Canadian Legion on 106 Avenue in Surrey, B.C. He became involved in an altercation with people present in the parking lot. Matters escalated to the point that these people advanced on his vehicle brandishing weapons and Mr. Griffith feared serious harm to himself, his passenger and his vehicle. He accelerated quickly away, crossing an adjacent vacant lot and departing northbound on 135A Street.

CASE LAW - R v Khan

BC Courts Coat of ArmsShan Khan was a pedestrian trying to cross 152nd Street at 81st Avenue in Surrey. She crossed to the median barrier dividing the four lanes of traffic and waited for the approaching vehicles to stop. When the vehicle using the lane nearest to her did stop, she began to cross. Unfortunately the driver behind that vehicle did not stop, changed lanes to pass it and struck Ms. Khan.

VIDEO - 4 Ways to Make a City More Walkable

VideoFrom the description on YouTube:

Freedom from cars, freedom from sprawl, freedom to walk your city! City planner Jeff Speck shares his "general theory of walkability" -- four planning principles to transform sprawling cities of six-lane highways and 600-foot blocks into safe, walkable oases full of bike lanes and tree-lined streets.

RESEARCH - Children May Not Detect Approaching Vehicles

school crossing & guard helping children in crosswalkAs drivers, we tend to think that if we can see pedestrians, they can see us, especially during the day. This may not be the case with children if we are driving at speeds of more than 30 km/h. This is also the speed above which the chance of significant injury or death begins to be much higher for pedestrians who are struck by vehicles.