Supervisor for a Senior Driver

senior driverQuestion: A dear senior friend who was called for a re-examination failed the road test. That friend has now been issued a learner driver's licence which requires them to be supervised by a fully licensed adult driver. What is the legal responsibility of said driver supervisor?

Our Expectations as a Driver

Our society's expectations are built on a person's ability to be able take their keys, start their motor vehicle and drive to wherever they please at any time. This is an incredible freedom and one that we seldom really appreciate until something like this happens.

With a Class 5L licence, one can no longer travel on the spur of the moment because we have to bring along a companion to look after us. I suspect that one's sense of self worth suffers when this happens.

image of an older driver supervisor

Advice from ICBC

The question of liability for the chaperone is a good one. I contacted ICBC and the Claims Division had the following advice:

  • Learner Drivers receive 1 free claim while in the learner’s phase
  • Supervisors must be in the front seat, sober & not using their cell phones
  • Unless the supervisor did an extreme act that caused the driver to crash & evidence supported this – the supervisor would not be held liable.
  • Since Enhanced Care – crashes follow the driver not the registered owner or supervisor.
  • Keeping in mind all claims are assessed individually when assessing liability.

Verify Proper Insurance Coverage

If you are going to regularly supervise this driver it would be wise to visit an Autoplan Agent with them and review the liability coverage for the vehicle being used. In the event of a collision monetary damages are looked after by the vehicle insurance, ultimately settling on the vehicle owner via the driver.

Skills for a Supervisor

Finally, do you have sufficient knowledge and skill to supervise another? I often ask the question "Have you ever met anyone who would admit to being less than a better than average driver?" An honest evaluation of your own capabilities might be in order before you volunteer because this driver is depending on you to help them drive safely and properly.

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