The Other Side of a DUI

SoapboxI shamefully regret to tell you that two years ago I was charged for DUI. Thankfully, I didn't hurt anyone and I wasn't in an accident. However, that doesn't excuse the fact that I did it. I was given a great big fine, my car was impounded and of course my licence was taken away.

DUI = Loss of Freedom

My freedom was gone and it really sucked, but it gave me a lot of time to think about my actions and think about everything I lost due to DUI (including my job) because I don't have a valid drivers licence. I will NEVER do that again! Never fact I haven't drank in just over a year now.

Passenger in a Crash

About a year after losing my licence for the DUI I was in a car accident. I had asked this young acquaintance to give me a ride to Vancouver from Port Coquitlam. A friend of mine jumped into the back seat and the three of us were on our way.

We were driving down Lougheed Highway and I was talking to my friend Tom in the back seat when suddenly I turned my head. I saw the yellow light and we drive directly into the back end of another car that was turning left. It was a tremendous impact.

All I remember was being pinned to my seat. People running up to car and me asking if everyone was OK. The driver was OK but Tom wasn't responsive. I began to scream his name over and over and told him he better not die on me. I remember seeing out of the corner of my eye him pick his head and body up from the back seat.

The ambulance attendants were now there and they told him not to move and shortly after we were all off to the hospital. Tom suffered brain damage and the family pulled the plug on him 2 days later.

The nurse told me the first night that he has zero brain activity. I was devastated and have been trying to recover ever since.

Our Vehicle Had No Brakes

I later learned that the young guy driving the vehicle we were in didn't have any brakes at all. I remember asking him why he was gearing down when he was driving an automatic and if he wanted to shift gears he a should buy a standard.

I now know he was gearing down and using the e-brake to stop the car. Had I known he had no brakes I would have never asked for a ride to Vancouver. I feel that if he had brakes he could have easily missed hitting the other car.

A Clear Mind and a Safe Vehicle is Required

No DUI image

I have learned how important it is to have a clear mind and a safe vehicle to drive if a person decides to be on the road driving.

These last two years since the DUI have been very impacting. I went from having the dream job of my life as a nursing supervisor who drove and saw clients all over the city for work to being at home, depressed and on disability.

There isn't a day go by that I don't think about that. I hope to have it back again.

Surviving PTSD

Its been a long process but I'm coming around. The psychologist who is helping me with PTSD related to the accident advises I need to start driving again and that its an important part of my therapy.

Over the last year I have been paying off outstanding DUI debt, fees and tickets with ICBC in order to get my licence back.  I am required to take the Responsible Driver Program (RDP) that costs nearly $1000.

Reconsideration of the RDP

I have managed to pay off my debts but now face this last requirement. I understand I can write a letter for reconsideration however, I was told there is an 11 month wait list for the letter to be reviewed.  If I were to wait the 11 months, I would have to take the driving exam again plus it would be detrimental to my therapy and recovery process.

Are There Other Options?

I am wondering if you know of any other options that may be available for me? Is there a way to have my letter or story viewed before 11 months pass? Or is there a payment plan option that will allow me to drive with only a portion of it payed?

I feel I am ready to drive but I am faced with this $900 and something dollar requirement that I can't afford to pay off in one lump sum. 

I would love to do volunteer work to work off the cost of the course. Anything. I appreciate and thoughts or ideas that may help me get back on the road sooner than later.

It's Difficult to Share This

Thanks for talking the time to read this as it is very personal and difficult for me to share. Its actually the first time I've written out the story. It's also part of my therapy that I have been avoiding to do this.

It just dawned on me, its probably is why I haven't been able to write the letter sooner and ask for a reconsideration.

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I know that ICBC won't reinstate your driver's licence until after you have completed the Responsible Driver Program through the Center for Addiction and Mental Health .

I really don't know if there is any way around it at all or of having the course fee reduced. You can have the requirement reviewed, but again, I have never heard anything about these reviews so I don't know how successful you might be.

Perhaps someone with knowledge will post a response.

In reply to by DriveSmartBC

On the one hand, you have the consequences of your impaired charge to deal with; I can't think of any way to get around this or mitigate the fines, etc.  But in this case, it's essentially you vs. ICBC/Justice System.  Have you at least asked for a meeting with a knowledgeable representative from ICBC for councelling/advice (whatever the best word is) on the issue?  Someone who can explain your options, such as they are?

Now, entirely separately and almost coincidentally if you see what I mean, you are the victim of a traffic crash that was absolutely no fault of your own.  As a victim, you should be 'covered' by ICBC as an insurer; even if the young fool driving the defective vehicle didn't actually have insurance, Under Insured Motorist Protection is built into the system.

This insurance coverage should provide you with whatever therapy is necessary to help you recover, including the PTSD and related driver training/rehabilitation you require.  Have you explored this?  If you're looking for advice and/or information, I suggest you contact Community Therapists - I used to do contract work for them on Driver Assessments and rehabilitative training and would strongly endorse them, they do remarkable work.

Best of luck, that's a tough time that you have been through.