Q&A - Slow Down Move Over Ticket

Q&A ImageI was caught by surprise, and although I realize ignorance of a law is no defence, I wonder how I might have known about this change in BC traffic law.  I had moved away from BC in 2001, not returning until 2012.  When I returned to BC in 2012, I was given a BC drivers licence again, but no info about any changes in traffic regulations which had happened while I was away.  Apparently in 2009 or so, MVA Regulation

Give Me a Sign

Two Lane Left Turn SignDuring one of my Elder College presentations I work through a module on traffic signs and lane markings with the students. Driving examiners tell me that this is one area that older drivers have trouble with if they are called in for a re-examination. Based on discussions in the forum on the DriveSmartBC web site I can truthfully say that older drivers are not the only ones having difficulty with signs.

Q&A - Vehicles Billowing Smoke

Q&A ImageFrom time to time in Metro Vancouver I end up driving behind a vehicle that is billowing exhaust fumes that cause me to gag in my vehicle. This happened to me yesterday in Surrey BC when I was behind a red Honda Civic with a BC license plate.

I wrote down the date, time, location and vehicle make, model, colour and license plate.

Q&A - 4 Wheeler Gripe

Q&A ImageI'm a semi truck driver and I've been cut off so many times by passenger vehicles racing around me to take an off ramp. They pull in front and hit their brakes. It's been close a couple times to the point I'm going to buy a dashcam to protect myself.